11.04.2022 ab 16Uhr Kick-Off Workshop tanz digital: Public Keynote & Introduction (On- & Offline)
LINK to the event via stream

The workshop ‚tanz digital: technologies, methods, artistic strategies‘ begins with a public kick-off featuring relevant contributions on the topic of dance and digitality.
After a brief welcome by the organizers, Marina Dessau will open the event with the keynote ‚Through the Barriers by Detour Via the Body‘. Exploring the transformative relationship between the performative body and digital technologies, the performer and lecturer uses tech as a tool to approximate the experience of other minds and subjectivities. In her keynote Marina Dessau talks about her approach to reenactments of politically and emotionally charged documentary material. Using the example of her work with the label internil Marina addresses the (im)possibilities of responsibly handling radical perspectives within artistic contexts.
Following this, the choreographers, dancers, media artists and scientists invited as workshop leads will introduce themselves as well as their significant projects and working methods regarding dance in the digital realm. The extent to which digital tools, technologies and spaces take on a political function or discuss political realities will also be debated.
Participants of the workshop ‚tanz digital‘ are invited to attend the opening in person. For all other interested parties, this part of the overall event will be streamed digitally. The corresponding link will be shared in the discussion section. If you have any questions, please contact Lea Terhaag at assistenz-archiv@iti-germany.de.
The workshop ‚tanz digital – technologies, methods, artistic strategies‘ is a cooperation of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, the International Theatre Institute Germany and the consultation program Touring Artists. ( Text by Christine Henninger / Lea Therhaag Internationales Theaterinstitut (ITI) / Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland )