2024 published with DeGruyter: GOG/MAGOG. A Disinformation Campaign (p.877-912)
Dessau M. GOG/MAGOG. A Disinformation Campaign. In: Tamer G, Mein A, Greisiger L (ed.) Gog and Magog: Contributions toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2024. p.877-912. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110720235-035
The essay-like contribution is part of the larger collection of publications which is called Gog and Magog. Contributions toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif. Edited by Georges Tamer , Andrew Mein and Lutz Greisiger.
In the text I write about our performance series which was crafted and performed between 2016-2019. The images in the publication are by Nils Bröer. More info & credits for the actual performance series on the Gog/Magog website.

…aaaaaaaaand: current favorite from research session No.8 from „OBEs of a Separated Ensemble“ in 2023 during Research Stipend: Virtual Bodies (Dessau / Vogelgesang / Wagner) @FWT Köln/ Fonds Darstellende Künste